CAT/C/CR/29/1 page 2 4. The Committee welcomes the recent legislative, administrative and institutional developments that took place in the State party since the consideration of its previous periodic report, namely: (a) The bill for the amendment of the Ratification Law making the subjection to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment as described in article 16 of the Convention a criminal offence, and providing for the presumption of ill-treatment if it is ascertained by medical examination that the person detained bears external injuries which were not present at the time of arrest; (b) The adoption of the Protection of Witnesses Law by the Parliament with a view to securing anonymity of witnesses; (c) The adoption of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence; (d) The enactment of a new law in 2000 for the suppression of trafficking in persons and of the sexual exploitation of children; (e) The abolition of the death penalty; (f) The amendment of the Aliens and Immigration Law to provide additional protection to persons claiming refugee status; (g) The enactment of a new law for the payment of adequate compensation; (h) The decision of the Council of Ministers to empower the Attorney-General to appoint criminal investigators to investigate allegations of criminal conduct by police; (i) The new measures taken to give effect to the newly adopted Psychiatric Treatment Law; (j) The improvement and renovation of prison facilities; (k) The establishment of a national institution for the promotion and protection of human rights; (l) The establishment of a Police Human Rights Office to receive and investigate complaints of human rights violations by police officers; (m) The introduction of a programme for the training of judges of first instance courts in the field of human rights.

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