CAT/C/56/D/578/2013 United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Distr.: General 2 February 2016 English Original: French Committee against Torture Communication No. 578/2013 Decision adopted by the Committee at its fifty-sixth session (9 November-9 December 2015) Submitted by: E.N., represented by Track Impunity Always (TRIAL) Alleged victim: The complainant State party: Burundi Date of complaint: 10 December 2013 (initial submission) Date of present decision: 25 November 2015 Subject matter: Torture committed by police officers Procedural issue: None Substantive issues: Torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; obligation to systematically monitor interrogation techniques and practices; obligation of the State party to ensure that the competent authorities conduct a prompt and impartial investigation; right to lodge a complaint; right to redress Articles of the Convention: Articles 2 (1), 11, 12, 13 and 14, read in conjunction with articles 1 and 16 of the Convention [Annex] GE.16-01380 (E) 160216 *1601380* 160216

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