CCPR/C/105/D/1303/2004 United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Distr.: General 28 August 2012 Original: English Human Rights Committee Communication No. 1303/2004 Views adopted by the Committee at its 105th session (9-27 July 2012) GE.12-45224 Submitted by: Joyce Nawila Chiti (not represented by counsel) Alleged victim: Jack Chiti, the author and their five children. State party: Zambia Date of communication: 26 July 2004 (initial submission) Document references: Special Rapporteur’s rule 97 decision, transmitted to the State party on 9 August 2004 (not issued in document form) Date of adoption of Views: 26 July 2012 Subject matter: Alleged torture, death penalty following unfair trial and forced eviction with no adequate remedy Substantive issue: Torture, unfair trial, arbitrary arrest and detention; death penalty; right to privacy, to family and child protection; freedom of movement; and right to adequate remedy Procedural issue: Non-exhaustion of domestic remedies. Articles of the Covenant: 2, para. 3; 7; 9, para. 1; 10, para. 1; 12, para. 1; 14, para. 3 (c) and (g); 16; 17, paras. 1 and 2; 23, para. 1; 24, para. 1; and 26 Article of the Optional Protocol: 5, para. 2 (b)

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