CAT/C/66/D/829/2017 being recognized by the soldiers who tortured him, whose faces he could not see because they were wearing masks. He believes that they are still on active service either in Cotonou or elsewhere in the country. 2.8 On 9 September 2017, the complainant presented a medical certificate dated 19 July 2017, showing that he had been hospitalized for a second time at the psychiatric unit of Vevey clinic between 22 June and 13 July 2017, because he had been at risk of committing suicide. He was diagnosed with recurrent and severe depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms and post-traumatic stress disorder as a victim of torture. The medical report concluded that the complainant currently needs treatment in a secure environment, failing which he would be at significant risk of self-harm. If deported to Benin, there is a danger that he will suffer aggravated traumatic symptoms with a high risk of suicide and that he will not have access to appropriate care. In addition, a medical certificate dated 22 August 2017 from Appartenances, an association that provides psychotherapy for migrants in Lausanne, states that the complainant has been monitored since 20 May 2014; that he suffers from a severe depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms; that close supervision is necessary to avoid any risk of self-harm; and that he takes the following medication: sertraline, Seroquel, quetiapine, zolpidem and Nexium MUPS. 2.9 The complainant claims that he needs very regular check-ups with his psychiatrists and psychologists (weekly psychotherapeutic treatment) and strong psychotropic medication to alleviate his daily suffering, which he would not be able to find in Benin. Furthermore, if he was there, he would live in constant fear of being recognized by his masked torturers. He believes that the situation in Benin is somewhat turbulent under the new President and that his safety cannot be assured. The complaint 3. The complainant claims that his deportation to Benin would constitute a violation by Switzerland of his rights under article 3 of the Convention, insofar as he would be at risk of torture by the Beninese authorities. He risks being disappeared or killed for having reported the events. He also claims that his deportation would result in a serious and lasting deterioration of his state of health owing to the unavailability of appropriate psychiatric care in his country of origin. State party’s observations on the merits 4.1 The State party submitted its observations on the merits of the complaint in a note verbale dated 24 November 2017. 4.2 The State party first recalls the facts and the proceedings brought before the Swiss authorities and courts. It then analyses the case in the light of the various elements that must be taken into account to ascertain the existence of a personal, present and serious danger of the complainant being subjected to torture upon deportation to his country of origin: (a) evidence of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass human rights violations in the country of origin; (b) any claims of torture or ill-treatment in the recent past and independent evidence to support those claims; (c) the political activity of the author within or outside the country of origin; (d) any evidence as to the credibility of the author; and (e) any factual inconsistencies in the author’s claims.1 4.3 The existence of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights does not, in itself, constitute sufficient grounds for determining that a particular person will be subjected to torture upon return to his or her country of origin. The Committee must establish whether the complainant is personally at risk of being subjected to torture in the country to which he or she is to be returned.2 Additional grounds must be adduced in order for the risk of torture to qualify as foreseeable, real and personal for the 1 2 GE.19-12653 General comment No. 1 (1997) on the implementation of article 3 of the Convention in the context of article 22, para. 8. K.N. v. Switzerland (CAT/C/20/D/94/1997), para. 10.2. 3

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