CAT UNITED NATIONS Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Distr. RESTRICTED* CAT/C/38/D/249/2004 16 May 2007 Original: ENGLISH COMMITTEE AGAINST TORTURE Thirty-eighth session (30 April – 18 May 2007) DECISION Communication No. 249/2004 Submitted by: Mr. Nadeem Ahmad Dar (represented by counsel) Alleged victim: The complainant State party: Norway Date of complaint: 29 March 2004 (initial submission) Date of the present decision: 11 May 2007 Subject matter: Deportation of complainant from Norway to Pakistan; charge of blasphemy in Pakistan and risk of death penalty Procedural issue: request for interim measures Substantive issues: Present and personal risk of death penalty Articles of the Convention: 3 and 22 [ANNEX] * Made public by decision of the Committee against Torture. GE.07-42011

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